CPC leadership

  • Jim MAynard

    Senior Pastor

    Jim is a faithful leader, devoted husband, and loving father. He and his wife, Nancy, are passionate about seeing lives transformed through the power of Jesus Christ. After a career in retail sales, management and logistics, he transitioned to full-time ministry. Licensed and ordained by the ICFG, he began his ministry career in WV serving as Associate Pastor, Executive Pastor, and Interim Senior Pastor. He has served as Senior Pastor of CPC since July of 2017. 


  • Nancy Maynard

    Ladies Ministry Leader
    Nancy is a caring and compassionate leader whose passion is to see people, not only accept, but fully embrace all that is available to them in Christ. She longs to see women free of the effects of childhood trauma, sexual abuse, and societal stereotypes, and live empowered by the Holy Sprit. When you hear her testimony, you too, will be moved to follow her into the life God has planned for you! 
  • Elizabeth Heath

    NextGen & Executive Pastor

    Elizabeth and her husband Tim moved to the Akron area from Las Vegas in 2020. She became a credentialed minister in the spring of 2024 and serves as the NextGen & Executive Pastor. If you have any questions about what is going on at CPC you can email her or chat with her at church! 


  • You

    You are not merely an observer at CPC. Jesus commissioned us to "make disciples, teaching them to observe all that He commanded us." We're not here to grow a church, but to grow followers who become leaders who then set out to disciple others to follow and then lead. Not everyone is called into full-time ministry, but we are all commanded to lead others into a Kingdom way of life. 

    "Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ." 1 Corinthians 11:1