You BElong Here

Whether you are browsing our page or attending a service at CPC, we believe, you belong here. 

  • You: pronoun

    • a person, yourself
    • the nature of character of a person
    • a familiar form of address
    You are unique. You are the sum of your experiences. You are an individual, born of a race and a culture not of your choosing, but needn't be defined by it. You are a legacy of your upbringing, however not confined to it. You have hopes and aspirations, longings and desires. You have dreams. You have needs, but are needed. You have a talent. You have gifts. You have value and purpose. You matter. And above all else. You are a miracle, created in the image of Almighty God and You are His beloved. 
  • Belong: Verb

    • a member or part of; 
    • in a proper situation, an attribute of function; 
    • to be liked and accepted; 
    • to be bound to, have an affinity for a specific situation; 
    No one was born of themselves, we were created to Belong. Both our earliest need and desire is to Belong. Every stage of life involves a quest to Belong. Our security, our confidence and our fulfillment is heightened when we Belong. To Belong is to be needed, valued, and loved. When we Belong, we are free to love, to give and to serve. God's purpose for us is to Belong, to Him and to each other, for eternity. 
  • Here: Adverb

    • this spot or locality; 
    • at this point or juncture, happening now; 
    • used to indicate a role or situation; 
    • attention to someone that has just arrived; 
    Here, you are not a number, or an asset to be exploited. Here, no one is defined by color or ethnicity. Whether three or ninety-three, every person has value, purpose and potential and are nurtured and encouraged to discover each Here. There are no perfect Christians Here, only followers of Jesus seeking His purpose, together. Forgiveness, acceptance, redemption can be found Here. Love is Here. Love for God. Love for people. Love for you. Here